Information about the new Code of Conduct for Directors

A new Code of Conduct for Directors commenced on 1 March 2024, find out more about the changes.

The Code of Conduct for Directors of Victorian Public Entities 2024 (the code) has been issued.

The code updates and replaces the previous Code of Conduct for Directors of Victorian Public Entities issued in 2016.

If you are board member of a public entity, or any other individual to whom this binding code applies, it is recommended that you familiarise yourself with the changes to the code and discuss them with other members of your board. 

Who the code applies to

This code applies to and is binding on:

  • all directors (board members) of public entities  
  • all other statutory office holders, as defined in section 4 of the Act, except:    
  • statutory office holders of a special body  
  • statutory office holders excluded by a specific declaration issued by the Victorian Public Sector Commissioner. 

Changes to the Code 

Message from the Victorian Public Sector Commissioner, Brigid Monagle

Watch this short video to understand the key changes to the Code.

The new code, which commenced on 1 March 2024, was issued by the Victorian Public Sector Commissioner to ensure the obligations it places on directors are clear, relevant and protect the public interest.  

The code clarifies that to act in the best interests of the public, board members:  

  • must not engage in lobbying activities on any matter that may relate to the functions of the public entity (item 3.13)  
  • must declare any previous lobbying activities that may relate to the functions of the public entity, as soon as practicable (item 3.13).

In addition, it:

  • clarifies what directors must and must not do in the performance of their duties
  • modernises the language in the code, making it easier to read.

New guidance has been published to help board directors understand these obligations and is available to read here:
